Saturday, June 22, 2013

Natural Healing for your Pets and People

I first heard Dr. John R. Christopher mention this in his book "Herbal Home Health Care" back in the 1970s.

"Walk or jog barefoot on the lawn to get rid of the static electricity in the body and to allow new electrical vibration to come from the atmosphere. This is pure universal electricity that operates all the parts and organs of the body. It cannot come if static electricity is present. We should be grounded to keep a continual flow on hand," Dr. John Christopher said.

Telluric energy Is the life source. It travels up the plants and tree's to allow growth. It's in the water and earth and, its being blocked by your shoes. When we were kids we went barefoot all summer long, and we were healthy. Somewhere along the line we stopped going barefoot and put on those energy conductor blockers called shoes.

I will start at the beginning and I promise to be brief. My dog Hunny bun a/k/a Hunny Houdini is an escape artist. Apparently eight fenced acres is not enough for her and so she escapes and takes her cohort in crime Kashi my other dog with her. There was quite a bit of local trouble going on with dogs/coyotes and goat killings, My girls got caught in the mix with my neighbor threatening to shoot them if they came on his property.
I dislike electric fencing but it was the only option left after spending hundreds of dollars reinforcing eight acres of existing fence and the girls still escaping, My energy medicine techniques were not working fast enough on these young souls. Years ago I remembered having to do the electric fencing in our kennel when my other dogs were digging out and it was then, I remembered I had to take my shoes off to get shocked when testing the system and I remembered Dr. Christopher' words from 30 years ago.

If we are insulated by our shoes from Mother Earth's energies it is no wonder that people are feeling disconnected from each other and their life force is waning. If we are suppose to tap into the Earth to "gas up" on a regular basis then what happens when we fail to do it? My personal experience says, we run out of gas creating fatigue and exhaustion. Simply "thinking" of being grounded is not enough because there is no exchange of electrons, It is like thinking of eating a juicy peach versus actually eating one.

Since the 60s our Shoes have been made from plastic and rubber insulating us from Mother Earth and robbing us of her conductive energies. As a Licensed Massage/ Meridian Therapist of 25 years and specializing in Energy Medicine the first thing that came to mind for me was that the only energy point in the entire body that is on the SOLE (SOUL) of the foot is the K1 Kidney point.

The Chinese have many names for this point including "Bubbling Spring", "Minister of Power" and "Fire of life's Door" the kidney is the body's main storehouse of needed energy for the other meridians. It balances and regulates the water. All life process's from creation to upkeep are influenced by this meridian. Your original prenatal energy (yuan chee ) which forms the basis of life is stored here, which is why the kidneys are known as the "Root of Life". The kidney organ system also includes the adrenal glands and para-thyroid.
Those trips to the beach when you were a kid made you and your family feel so good because your body was discharging positive electrons. the earth was then taking then in, along with the free radicals reeking havoc in your body, Mother Earth is then sending you life force energy into the K1 point. This point is located in the middle of the bottom of your foot below the pad in the depression between the second and third toes.

Our pets have also been isolated from the earths energy if they have the same living enviroment as a city human. If they are contacting the earth for hours a day they will be healthier then house bound animals. My dogs are spoiled with acreage to run on but they stay out all day unless it's too hot out in summer. Dogs will dig a hole to lay in if they feel out of sorts, our animals still know things we have forgotten. If you get bit by a bug its a weak point in your body so look at a meridian chart to see what that point relates to. .

One of the main functions of the kidney meridian is control of the bones of the entire body and development of bone marrow. Muscle inflammations as in Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and a host of other autoimmune disorders fall under the Kidney Meridians domain including Heart issues. Inflammatory diseases are rampant in our society and fell in step with the modern shoes arrival. We are not done here by a long shot, The kidney meridian is also linked to the spinal column,and if the kidneys control the bones of the entire body and the development of bone marrow then could this be the cause of so much Arthritis in our modern lives?

This meridian is connected to the bone marrow so it is also connected to the brain.

The brain function is directly influenced by the kidneys. Which means the Kidney meridian also influences the cellular fluids and the synovial fluids (fluids in the joints). This might explain joints wearing out so fast and people needing replacements, instead of people chalking it all up to old age maybe they need to get barefoot and gas up their bodies. Chronic ear problems are also connected to kidney disturbances as are cold feet and eye issues and let's not forget the heart.

Can all these issues be cleared up by letting your K1 point touch the ground? Can it actually be as simple as that? I think it is, and so do many other people. Even the sexual organs are linked to the kidneys.
What I do know is cavemen and civilizations prior to ours went barefoot or wore leather moccasins and slept on the ground. The American Indians know about the healing powers of Mother Earth and used her energies to heal their sick as did many cultures. They would dig a hole and line it with a natural fur and lay their ill in it for the energy to heal them. We now wear insulated shoes and sleep in wooden houses on raised beds and many people have not touched the ground with a barefoot in years!
The kidneys also control the reproductive system in woman and men. Disturbances of the uterus, ovaries, prostate, can also be due to energy deficiency of the Kidney Meridian. What about all the infertility in the United States? could the saying "Barefoot and Pregnant" mean go barefoot to balance your energies and hormones (also linked to kidney) so if you have a hormonal imbalance this could be a natural way to get through menopause .

It's worth a shot and its free health care.
We can see why Chinese Medicine has named this key energy meridian "Minister of Power."
Chinese Medicine has been around for over 5000 years and the Doctor Job is to keep you healthy not treat you and cut out organs once you are sick. This is true preventative medicine.
On a physical level Chinese Medicine has linked all these issues to this potent Energy Meridian.
This powerful meridian when deficient is responsible for Inflammatory issues, Weak bones, Bone marrow disturbances, Brain (loss of memory), Rheumatic diseases, Eye Issues, eyesight, Prostate, Uterus dysfunction, Ears (chronic ear infection), Kidney stones, Heart, and Forgetfulness (Possible Alzheimer's link?)
Now lets get into the Emotional issues involved with this meridian. Each of the 14 Meridians has certain emotions attached to it. In my work we go through your history of trauma's and work on certain points along the meridians to realign your body. Similar to a dam blocking the flow of water in a stream, we are removing an energy blockage in the meridian.

The goal is to lighten your physical body so you are in this world but not really of it. The buttons people were able to push to, get you to react a certain way will no longer exist. You would no longer become a magnet for drama and ego based things which are rampant in our society. We are going for the goal of Personal Peace and Neutrality using energy medicine.

In order to have optimal health we need to feel connected to Heaven and Earth. We are Spiritual beings in the classroom of Mother Earth's Academy and this shoe issue is creating a major disconnect of epic proportions. So many people feel lost and looking for something but have no idea what it is.
Connecting to the Earth grounds us and helps us to think clearer,remember things and have clarity.
Years ago people stood as a community,now many prefer to isolate and have a fend for yourself attitude and a huge fear mentality. What happened to us?

You guessed it. Fear is one of the main negative emotions along with being critical, disappointment , failure and sexual indecision. I see all this in my work everyday. Worse yet Mania and Rage plus the urge to kill are associated with the kidney meridian. Should we ground prisoners and see what happens?

Many people have not touched the ground barefoot in years, if you are swimming in the ocean or a concrete pool, walking on the beach, playing in the yard with your kids or pups if your doing it barefoot we are all connected as one. We are all touching the same telluric energy grid. This energy spiderwebs over the globe attaching many power area's together.

Maybe if everyone started physically grounding, the energy shift would not be as painful for so many who feel lost and alone. This worlds energy is shifting its vibration to one of love, togetherness and community and getting away from the ego driven ways, maybe this is how its going to reach success,
The more physically grounded we are, the greater our ability is to see clearly that the reason the old ways of thinking and doing are not working for many is because they are not receiving universal energy anymore. A disconnect is occurring and the old ways just are not in alignment anymore with the new energy agenda.
My purpose of this article was to focus on the Energy Medicine and what I do best which is explaining the holistic health prospective and possibilities. I do want to let you know that I never did need to electrify the fencing mostly because the energy work finally kicked in and they lost interest in leaving the yard. Maybe the whole process was to bring me to write this article. Divine Guidance is within everyone's reach if your open to it.

I will write articles about other aspects of telluric energy and energy medicine in the future.
If you cannot get out into nature and ground yourself there are products on the market now that will allow you to do this at home while on your computer or asleep.
It is always good to walk the earth barefoot where it is safe but you should be careful if sick or pregnant when using the grounding products. Your medications may also need to be adjusted and over stimulation of K1 with pregnancy is not recommended so pregnant woman should stick to going with natural grounding.

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