Saturday, June 22, 2013

Improve Your Love and Business Relationships Through Resonation

Empower Yourself with These Simple Tools

Energy is a facinating thing to watch play out.
In Love, sparks can fly all over the place and some have even experienced love at first sight. This is actually Mars/Venus energy at it's best. Mars energy is also called "The war of the roses" energy, it can be a fine line between love and hate. I work with the Destiny Cards Computer Program to show you your lifes purpose and also your personality cards. They have been called eerie accurate by clients of mine that were not into Metaphysics but not disbeliever's either.
When I compare two peoples charts that is when I find what makes the relationship tick. I can see what energies are at play and what the obstacles will be, affirmations are given to help the couple see what is going on so they can work through things, at that point they can acknowledge the information and then empower themselves with the knowledge to strengthen their bond. The cards can also be used to compare friendships, business relationships and family members to see what makes you resonate with certain people and not others.
Finding Common ground is a very easy way to get on the same energy level with clients and family. If 2 people are in a relationship the easiest and smoothest flowing ones will be between those with the same energy connection. That is not to say that 2 energy connections cannot get along, it will just require more work.
There are 3 basic energy connections that people use to see their world, most people use 1 or 2 but seldom 3. One connection will always tend to be stronger. They are Visual,Audio and Kinestetic
1. Visual- These type people want to see that you care about them. They want to be "shown" Flowers, Diamonds, Beautiful Houses, Cars. Show me that you love me. Show me that you care about our friendship. Don't tell them you do because it doesn't resonate with them and touchiness like hugs don't really cut it either with 100% Visual people.
President Obama says "look" a lot so I would think he is more visual then the other 2, he wants to "see" results not "hear" about what is going to happen.
2.Audial- These type people want to "hear" that you love them or like them. They want you to "listen" to them, this is how they communicate best and for you to get along with them in an easy relationship you will want to say "I love you"and "I care about you" and show verbal concern in order to resonate with them. A hug or playful tap on the butt is not going to cut it with 100% Audio people.
3. Kinesthetic -These are the touchers they love to get hugs, cuddle and getting love taps or just holding hands is what resonates with a 100% kinesthetic person, touch is what communicates caring and love for them. just saying "I love you" is not going to work, the response mentally is probably going to be yeah, right, sure, if you loved me you would give me a hug.
Just knowing these 3 things can empower a relationship on any level.
If your married to a Visual Person and your Audial then creating the best relationship between you will require some rewiring on both your parts so both your needs are met. If someone really cares, they will adapt in order for there to be more peace and harmony in the relationship. It helps to make a person feel secure and happy and this is a good thing.
If your not in a relationship and want an easy one then find someone that resonates to whatever connection you are.
Make it a great day folks, this is not a dress rehearsal!

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